Test Your IQ with this Optical Illusion: What you see first reveals if you are left-brained or right-brained

Test your IQ with this optical illusion: An optical illusion is a mind-blowing illustration of an object, drawing or image that has different appearances and can be perceived differently. There are many types of optical illusions, such as physical, physiological and cognitive illusions. These optical illusions are sometimes also useful to test our personality based on whether we are left or right brained. Many images of optical illusions can reveal hidden aspects of our personality. One such excellent illustration can be seen in an optical illusion image of a swan and a squirrel shared by Bright Side.

Do optical illusions really help assess your IQ level?

Did you see a swan or a squirrel in this optical illusion?


Can you see an old woman or girl hidden in this centuries-old optical illusion?

The image above is an optical illusion that was created to test our personality. This ambiguous image could actually be a swan or a squirrel, depending on how you look at it. The left side of the image looks like a swan, which has tucked its beak toward its chest. The right side of the image looks like the swan’s tail feathers. The right side of the image looks like a squirrel engrossed in an acorn or other delicacy. The left side of the image, which was originally the swan’s neck and face, now looks like the squirrel’s bushy tail.

The color you see first in this optical illusion indicates what kind of genius you are

What you see first in this optical illusion reveals whether you are left-brained or right-brained.

The first image you see in this optical illusion can reveal whether you are a more creative or logical person.

Did you see spinning snakes or spinning discs in this optical illusion?

1. SWAN: Creative, right-brained person

According to the video shared by Bright Side, if you saw a swan first, then the right hemisphere of your brain is dominant. This also means that you are very good at everything related to the arts and creativity.

Check out a 900-year-old optical illusion that reveals your personality traits

2. SQUIRREL – Logical, left-brained person

According to the Bright Side video, if you see a squirrel in the image, it means that the left side of your brain is more developed. The left hemisphere of your brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, as well as mathematical skills.

Test your IQ by spotting 7 people and a cat in this optical illusion

Optical illusions always provide a fascinating insight into how our brain works. Specific combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our brain into visually perceiving something that isn’t there. So tell us, what did you see first in this optical illusion?

How many circles can you spot in this optical illusion?

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: sef.edu.vn

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